Mudhoney Vanishing Point

Mudhoney Vanishing Point

Release Date April 2, 2013

Catalog No SP1020

25 years in, Vanishing Point decisively affirms that, even in an age where only the newest of the new can survive (and even then, only for a few weeks at best), Mudhoney still have plenty to say and more to offer. These are songs written from the rare vantage point of a band who went through the rock ā€˜nā€™ roll meat-grinder and not only lived to tell such a tale, they came out full of the wisdom and dark humor such a journey provides. Vanishing Point is filled with dread, psychoanalysis and Nuggets-on-fire riffs; the sort of real, uninhibited rock music that is harder and harder to locate these days. With Vanishing Point, Mudhoney make it easy.

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  1. Slipping Away
  2. I Like It SmallI Like It Small
  3. What to Do With the Neutral
  4. Chardonnay
  5. The Final Course
  6. In This Rubber Tomb
  7. I Don't Remember You
  8. The Only Son of the Widow from NainThe Only Son of the Widow from Nain
  9. Sing This Song of Joy
  10. Douchebags on Parade