NEWS : THU, SEP 22, 2016 at 6:55 AM

National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 27th!

Here at Sub Pop Records, we believe all sorts of nonsense. No doubt, as a regular/occasional/anything-other-than-first-time reader of our blog, you have noticed this. You may also have noticed (among other things…) we believe that voting is just incredibly important. It’s one of the few opportunities we all have to express an opinion about the way our country works and for that opinion to actually count. It might seem like your vote won’t make a difference, but it does and will. 

September 27th, 2016 is National Voter Registration Day. It’s a national campaign aimed at helping anyone who is eligible to vote but not yet registered get signed up and good-to-go in time for the election this year. 

Sub Pop is partnering with National Voter Registration Day to host an event at our office in downtown Seattle to allow people the opportunity to register. We will have the relevant forms, volunteers from The Washington Bus to help with dotting i’s and crossing t’s, and treats courtesy of our friends at Tom Douglas Restaurants. PLUS, as a special incentive, we’ll be giving away Sub Pop goodies, office tours (space and time allowing, and assuming interest…), and newly registered voters can get their photo taken in the Sub Pop Photobooth. 

Here are the details!  

Where? - Sub Pop HQ, 2013 4th Ave., Seattle, WA 98121.

When? - September 27th 2016, from 9am to 12pm.

Who can register to vote at Sub Pop HQ? - US Citizens who are permanent residents of Washington State and will be 18 by election day (November 8th, 2016).

What do I need to bring? - Washington State driver’s license, State ID number or last four digits of SSN. (if you don’t have any of these things, that’s okay, but you will need to be verified before you can formally register. 

Please note:  

If you are already registered to vote, NICE WORK! Please be sure to follow through and actually vote when the time comes. And also, you do not need to come here on Tuesday, September 27th from 9am to 12pm. This would be a bad day and time to come by just to hang out, because we will be SO BUSY helping to get people registered to vote. Thank you for what we are going to go ahead and presume to be your attention and understanding on this matter.

And, HERE is some further information about National Voter Registration Day.

Posted by Rachel White